7 generation Z trends

The other day, 2 trend reports with studies of American teenagers were released: from Piper Sandler and Snapchat. There are many interesting things inside, here are 7 main finds:

1. 26% of teens have VR devices, but only 5% use them on a daily basis. 48% of teenagers are not interested in metaverses.

2. TikTok has become the favorite social network of teenagers (33% share), overtaking Snapchat for the first time (31%). Instagram is in third place (22%). Piper Sandler conducts research every six months - and TikTok grows its share of fans every time while its peers stagnate.

3. Apple technology dominates. The majority of American teenagers walk with iPhones - 87% of the total number of respondents. 72% have AirPods. 30% have an Apple Watch - the share of apple watches is 83% among all brands.

4. Second-hand stores are becoming fashionable: 46% of respondents previously bought used items, 56% sold them. Teenagers already spend 7% of their total shopping time shopping in second-hand shops.

5. 39% of teenagers work part-time. What do they spend their money on? The main cost items for guys are food (21%), clothes (16%), games (14%). For girls - clothes (29%), food (21%), personal care (10%).

6. Video consumption is dominated by Netflix and YouTube - they have the same share of time, 30% each among all streaming services.

7. 4 out of 5 teens say hanging out with friends is the easiest way to feel happier.

At the same time, young people are by nature early adopters and form new habits more easily than adults. Therefore, a reasonable strategy for startups is to cling to Generation Z trends and launch new services based on them.